Cigar Reviewed: La Gloria Cubana Classic

Smoked at: Lafayette, Louisiana

First of all let me say this: I am a huge fan of this brand. 9/10 times they kill it. The Classic is not one of those times. Maybe a bad batch, who knows. The flavor is there the body I love, especially with an espresso mid morning or winding down in the afternoon but this particular batch. Flavor is bold with a full, leathery note and peppery on the finish. It does tend to get a little burnt feeling towards the end of the stick but that just be because the struggle i had keeping it lit. The room note is remarkably pleasant, not harsh at all. The downside of this stick is that if you are not steady sucking on it like trying to drink a milkshake through a coffee straw, you will need to re-light...and re-light and light it again. That said, I am not swearing them off, I'll order again hoping that it is a fluke.


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